
    Unrealistic Wishes for Switch 2

    If I could wish for something completely unrealistic for the Switch 2, it would be Nintendo allowing users to legally digitize old game packs and cartridges on the device, and play them via emulation.

    Imagine a Switch Online Plus subscription that permits connecting Nintendo-provided cartridge readers to your Switch. This reader (or readers) would support Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, NES, SNES, N64, Nintendo DS, and 3DS systems. Nintendo could sell them separately, potentially at premium prices.

    Games would be copied to the Switch as virtual cards, playable only with a valid subscription linked to your account.

    For DS and 3DS games, you could rotate the Switch 2 into portrait mode, attaching the rumored magnetic Joy-Cons (maybe with an optional adaptor) on the sides.

    What’s there to lose? Nothing! Users still need an online subscription, and Nintendo could sell additional hardware. It’s a win-win situation, isn’t it?