😍 Konfiguriere seit Stunden vergnüglich [omg.lol](https://home.omg.lol/).

😍 Konfiguriere seit Stunden vergnüglich omg.lol.


Picture of Playdate console by Panic

I’ve been a happy owner of a playdate game console for a week now. I ordered it in July 2021 and finally received it a mere 1.5 years later. Since then I’ve really enjoyed the console. Every animation, every sound somehow expresses the joy and dedication that Cable Sasser and his team at Panic evidently put into the development of this – while rather expensive piece of hardware.

I really like the first two games of Series 1 so far and they couldn’t be more different. Whitewater Wipeout is quite a challenging game of skill in the spirit of California Games, which I played with friends for hours on the C64 and immediately brought back fond memories. The game makes very good use of the crank. At first I was happy about 200 points, meanwhile it’s a few thousand and my sons, who grew up with graphically bombastic touchscreen games on iPad and Co. or complex titles on the PS4, also liked it straight away and now fill the high score. However, how you can achieve several million points in this game will probably always remain a mystery to me.

Screenshot of Whitewater Wipeout Highscore on playdate

Casual Birder is „a snap-‚em-all adventure set in beautiful seaside Bird Town“ and also entertaining. However, I haven’t really progressed very far here.

I’m definitely looking forward to the next 20 games that are included in the purchase price, which also puts it into perspective, and I’m excited for the upcoming store (aka catalog).

Meanwhile, you can load your own games and applications onto the device via USB or a website (called sideload). A probably almost complete overview of all projects can be found on the playdate community wiki. The games are often offered on itch.io and usually cost somewhere between $1 and $10.

So far I’ve been into Bloom, „a real-time narrative-driven social sim about starting up a flower shop“ and Rocket Bytes, „a 1-bit precision rocket flying reverse platformer“. The former is just plain nice, the latter hard as hell. Other games I would like to check out are EYELAND, Daily Driver (Tech Demo) and A Balanced Brew. And if you have a dollar left over, you can also buy A Joke Thats Worth $0.99 for a smile.

As if that weren’t enough, Panic has an app called Mirror that allows games to be streamed and recorded directly to a monitor. Accessibility has also been considered. And then of course there’s the development environment, once in professional and as if that wasn’t enough, also a comprehensive web editor, with which you can develop really professional games in the browser.

It was also a good thing that I have been the happy owner of an AnkerMake M5 since December 2022, so I was able to get a suitable Magnetic Cover, because unfortunately I didn’t have the official ordered and now the shipping would be more expensive than the case itself ;-(

3d printed magnetic cover for playdate

I’m excited to see how the little yellow part will continue, I’m looking forward to regular game updates for the next eleven weeks and at the same time I’ll be listening to the official podcast. Long story short: for me personally a really compelling overall package.

Shelly Plug S - Custom firmware integrates adapter plug into Apple HomeKit

I have been using Shelly Plug S plug adapters for some time now and am very happy with them. They are inexpensive, run reliably and can be controlled easily within your own network via REST API. The only thing they are not compatible with is HomeKit. Thanks to appgefahren.de I just stumbled across a custom firmware published on github, which can be installed via a single URL call. Then you can hang via QR code the plug super easy in HomeKit. However, with HomeKit integration, you give up the ability to use the Shelly Cloud and therefore its native app. Of course, this should be weighed up carefully beforehand. However, the way back to the original firmware should be just as easy.

Chef der Bundesnetzagentur unterstützt Schuko-Stecker

„Alle weiteren Hemmnisse und Hürden beim Ausbau der Solarenergie müssen abgebaut werden. Die Teilnahme an der Energiewende sollte gerade für die privaten Haushalte mehr Freude bereiten!“

Das ist eine sehr schöne Passage im Antwortschreiben des Chefs der Bundesnetzagentur. Es macht mir Hoffnung, vielleicht doch noch meine Balkonkraftanlage betreiben zu dürfen, bevor mein Netzbetreiber sich nach Monaten des Schweigens vielleicht irgendwann doch mal durchringt auf meine Anfrage zu antworten. Grade bringt es zumindest wenig Spaß, Teil der Energiewende sein zu wollen - im Gegenteil.

Anybox - Manage bookmarks like a pro (iOS / macOS)

One app that I’ve been using a lot for a while now is Anybox. Both the Mac app and the iOS app are very functional and the developer is friendly. It has completely replaced pinboard.in as my bookmark manager, although there is also a very nice iOS / macOS third party companion app called Pins, which is currently no longer being developed as rapidly as it was in the beginning, but is still great.

Hello, world!