I know there are now over two thousand plugins for Obsidian, and everyone uses a different combination. There are also countless lists suggesting various plugins. But that’s the great thing: The individual combination of plugins makes Obsidian exactly the (power) tool that each user wants it to be. So, here are my ten most important plugins1:

  • Dataview: If the Dataview plugin didn’t exist, I might not use Obsidian but something else.
  • Paste URL into Selection: I am always confused when an app does not support this feature.
  • Calendar: It’s a calendar in your sidebar to access daily and weekly notes.
  • Image Converter: Love this plugin; it automatically resizes images that you paste into a note.
  • Templater: A combination of Templater and Dataview brings my new notes to life.
  • Linter: Sometimes I paste something into a note which has a bad MD format; Linter fixes that.
  • Update Modified Date: Does exactly this.
  • Tag Wrangler: A handy plugin for managing large task lists; you can easily rename and join tags.
  • Plugin Update Tracker: Again a plugin that makes things easier. Check for updates, read release notes and update plugins from within a single view.

  1. I actually use a few more. ↩︎